The new movie series The Promised Land released its pilot episode this past summer with 170+ episodes planned ahead. The series is directed by Mitch Hudson (an assistant director from The Chosen) and is being presented as a “mockumentary” about the story of Moses and the Jewish people who fled Egypt. Dallas Jenkins (the co-creator and director of The Chosen) has given his wholehearted approval of Hudson’s Promised Land series. This should come as no surprise to those who understand the unbiblical nature of The Chosen, but sadly, millions of viewers will be captivated by The Promised Land as they are by The Chosen.
The Promised Land series was brought to our attention through a 33-minute DVD critique by The Berean Call called The Promised Land Series: Mocking God and Moses (see photo on right). The DVD shows numerous clips from the series as well as statements by Dallas Jenkins expressing his admiration for the comedy series.
We have three brief take aways regarding The Promised Land:
- Both Mitch Hudson and Dallas Jenkins state that the “intent” in making The Promised Land is good and is not to mock God. However, as the saying goes, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” Or as Ray Yungen put it when he was addressing those who believed mantra meditation is OK to practice as long as one’s intentions are good, “Two men jump out of a 10-story building. One says ‘fly, fly, fly,’ and the other says, ‘fall, fall, fall.'” Both are going to end up in the same place. So just as Dallas Jenkins insists his intentions in making The Chosen are honorable, Hudson’s “good intentions” are meaningless on making a mockumentary (their word, not ours) about Moses, a man who is so highly esteemed in the Bible and which story (the escape from Egypt by God’s chosen people) is so cherished by believers throughout the centuries.
- Just as we have documented in our own critiques of The Chosen, The Promised Land is slanderous toward Moses, his sister Miriam, Aaron, and the Jewish people in the biblical account.
- We find it abhorrent that the story of Moses leading the Jewish people in their escape from Pharoah and Egypt has been made into a comedy, mocking the leaders whom God used for the escape. In essence, that time period for God’s chosen people was a story of an Old Testament holocaust of persecution (the Jews were slaves under the most horrific conditions and remember when Pharoah ordered all baby boys to be murdered). To mock, in any manner, this period of time described so accurately and soberly in God’s Word is utterly disgusting.
A 2022 news article about The Promised Land states:
The movie’s organizers stressed that they are being highly respectful of [the] Biblical message.
“Rather than looking at these Biblical heroes on stained glass windows, let’s look at them like everyday people,” they [the organizers] wrote. “At the end of the day, our hope is that people watch the show because it’s funny . . . and eventually would desire to dive into scripture to experience God personally.”
That statement is about as delusional as it gets. There is nothing in The Promised Land series that is going to draw the millions of people who watch it to “dive into scripture,” and for the few that may, their minds will have been corrupted by images on a screen that make Moses and the persecuted children of God look foolish and silly. At a time when antisemitism throughout the world has been rekindled (similar to pre-Holocaust days), mocking the Jews in a ridiculous comedy is not going to help at all, but on the contrary, could serve as fuel for the fire of antisemitism—even if that is not the “intention” of the producers and directors.
Just as The Chosen has almost nothing to do with truth (according to God’s Word) by the director’s own admission, The Promised Land doesn’t either and is indeed a mockery of truth.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)
How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. (Jude 1:18)
I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand. (Jeremiah 15:17)
We want to thank The Berean Call for putting together this excellent critique of The Promised Land. The 33-minute DVD is available through Lighthouse Trails and is only $7.50.
Related Articles:
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Jack Hibbs’ Ministry Defense Statement for Promoting The Chosen Has Poor Premise and Is Obscure
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Judy Schlegel
Charles Spurgeon once wrote that “Discernment is not the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong; rather, it is telling the difference between right and almost right.”
It is the shades of gray that compromise so many choices and are the hardest to fight against.
The 2 Thessalonians 2:3 apostasy proceeds unabated, nay, is rapidly speeding up per ongoing birth pains. The proportion of people who have developed reprobate minds is staggering, not to mention the dramatic number of people who are literally demon possessed as the occult proliferates exponentially worldwide. Our blessed hope is reality.
John Lanagan
Unholy. Dallas Jenkins has much to answer for.
The lack of respect, reverence and fear of the Lord is clearly spoken of in the last days in Scripture. This truly is distressing and evidence of the perilous times in which we live. What we love, revere, respect and honor we never lampoon. Please continue to pray for those that are deceived and misled and the lost. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Another ecumenical disgrace to the Bible yet the chosen is counterfeit to the real gospel of Jesus christ .gal1-6-8