Rick Warren and Ken Blanchard Team Up!
Warren and New Age/Buddhist Promoter Ken Blanchard have teamed
up. Has Warren known about Blanchard's New Age sympathies? How
could any discerning Christian not know? Ken Blanchard has kept
it no secret, and his love for the New Age only becomes more obvious
time goes on.
Will Rick Warren distance himself from Ken Blanchard, as he supposedly did recently with Robert Schuller and Brian McLaren? It puts Warren in another interesting dilemma. Deny the colleagues and friends he has surrounded himself with, or willingly and publicly walk down the same path these other men and women are going.
1. Leadership Summit 2005
Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Ken Blanchard
2. Lead Like Jesus 2003, 2004
Rick Warren, Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybels
(see pastors.com on the event)3. Lead Like Jesus CD Set.
Rick Warren, Ken Blanchard and Bill Hybels
4. Ken Blanchard signs on to help Rick Warren implement the global Peace Plan.5. Rick Warren sits on the National Board for the Lead Like Jesus organization.
6. Congress 2004: Rick Warren and Ken Blanchard once again share the platform.